Agronomic Soil Analysis

Why Test? | Available Tests | Sampling Guide | Submittal Forms | Example Reports

Better yields and top quality can only be achieved through the proper management of all crop inputs. This requires the crop producer, consultant and dealer to have as much accurate information on the grower's fields and crops as possible. Soil testing is the foundation for some of this critical information.

Why Test Soil?

Crop producers cannot afford to waste money on unnecessary crop inputs. Neither can they afford lower yields or quality caused by insufficient nutrients. Crops cannot obtain the needed nutrients, in the required amounts from infertile soil. Also, as each year goes by, the government is imposing more requirements on crop producers to minimize the amount of surplus nutrients that escape from the farm. Soil testing is a tool that can provide some of the critical, basic information to better manage crops, soils, and the environment.

Available Tests

S1 - Includes Soil pH, Buffer pH (when needed) , Organic Matter, Available Phosphorus , Exchangable Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Cation Exchange Capacity(CEC), Percent Base Saturation of Cation Elements and fertility recommendations for up to three crops.
S2 - Includes all of S1 plus the choice of three of the following micronutrients: Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Sulfur and Zinc.
S3 - Includes all of S1 plus Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Sulfur and Zinc.

Other individual analyses are available. Contact Spectrum Analytic for more information.

Sampling Guide

Follow the instructions in our soil sampling guide to pull a good representative sample and get accurate results. The greatest inaccuracy in a soil test is the method it was taken.

Submittal Forms

Use the standard soil information form for all agronomic soil samples, including grid samples.

Example Reports